Facebook Settlement Payout Date: What You Need to Know

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Article ImageThe Facebook settlement payout date has become a hot topic for millions of users affected by the social media giant’s privacy practices. This class action lawsuit, stemming from the Cambridge Analytica scandal, has led to one of the largest privacy settlements in history. Many Facebook users are eager to know when they might receive their share of the payout and what steps they need to take to ensure they don’t miss out.

As the Facebook settlement update continues to evolve, claimants are looking for the most up-to-date information on the payout process. This article will explore the background of the Facebook privacy settlement, shed light on the current status of the payout, and provide essential details for those who have filed claims. We’ll also discuss the potential timeline for the Facebook settlement payout date and what factors might influence when users can expect to receive their checks.

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Background of the Facebook Privacy Settlement

The Cambridge Analytica scandal

The Facebook privacy settlement has its roots in the Cambridge Analytica scandal that came to light in 2018. This controversy exposed a significant breach of user privacy on the social media platform. Cambridge Analytica, a British consulting firm involved in Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, obtained personal data from up to 87 million Facebook users, primarily in the United States. This data was used to create detailed voter profiles, which were then utilized to target U.S. voters during the campaign.

The revelation of this data breach sparked widespread concern and outrage. Many users deleted their Facebook accounts in response, and the company’s reputation as a trustworthy custodian of personal data took a severe hit. The scandal prompted investigations by various government bodies, including the U.S. Congress and the Federal Trade Commission.

Class action lawsuit details

In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica revelations, several legal actions were initiated against Facebook. On March 21, 2018, a Facebook user in Maryland filed a proposed class action lawsuit on behalf of affected platform users. This case was eventually merged with seven similar lawsuits into a single class action. The litigation process continued for several years, with Facebook (now Meta) denying any violation of laws but ultimately agreeing to a settlement to avoid the costs and risks of a trial.

Settlement amount and eligibility criteria

After extensive negotiations, Facebook formally agreed to a $725 million payout on December 23, 2022. This settlement received tentative approval from a federal judge in late March 2023. The settlement applies to nearly all Facebook users in the United States who had an account at any point between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022. Importantly, even users who have since deleted their Facebook accounts are eligible to receive money from the settlement.

The settlement page states that claimants don’t need to prove that their data was obtained by a third party to be eligible. Given that the Pew Research Center reported in 2021 that 69% of Americans have used Facebook at some point, and Statista estimates the total number of U.S. Facebook users at 243 million in 2023, the potential pool of claimants is substantial. As of now, over 28 million claims have been filed, representing nearly 9% of all U.S. Facebook users.

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Current Status of the Payout

The Facebook settlement payout date has been a subject of anticipation for millions of claimants. However, the distribution of funds has encountered significant obstacles, leading to delays in the payout process.

Reasons for delay

The primary reason for the delay in payouts is the ongoing appeals process. Despite the United States District Court for the Northern District of California granting final approval of the settlement on October 10, 2023, objectors have filed two Notices of Appeals. These appeals have put the distribution of settlement benefits on hold, as payments cannot be made to eligible claimants until all appeals are resolved.

Appeals process

The appeals process has proven to be a complex and time-consuming affair. On May 4, objectors’ attorneys Kendrick Jan and John Pentz filed an opening brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. This legal action is part of their clients’ appeal against the settlement approval granted last year. The ongoing legal wrangling has significantly impacted the timeline for payouts, causing frustration among affected Facebook users.

Estimated timeline for resolution

The timeline for resolving the appeals and distributing payouts remains highly uncertain. According to the official settlement website, based on the current schedule, it is likely that the appeal will not be set for hearing until the first half of 2025 or later.

However, the appeals have pushed this timeline back significantly. Some sources now predict that settlement claimants might be looking at payouts sometime in late 2025, if not later, depending on how far the objectors choose to take their case.

The settlement administrators have acknowledged the uncertainty and thanked claimants for their patience. They have committed to providing updates on the status as more information becomes available. For now, the 28 million claimants who have filed for their share of the $725 million settlement will have to continue waiting for resolution.

What Claimants Need to Know

With the Facebook settlement payout date still uncertain, claimants should be aware of several key aspects of the process. The settlement applies to nearly all Facebook users in the United States who had an account between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022. Even those who have deleted their accounts are eligible for compensation.

Checking claim status

To check their claim status, individuals need to provide the email address, claim ID, or phone number used when filing the claim. The status may appear as “Pending,” “Claim Approved,” or “Claim Denied.” It’s crucial to check both inbox and spam folders for any communication regarding the settlement. Rejected claimants have up to 10 days to appeal the decision.

Payout methods

When approved, claimants can choose from several payout options. These include PayPal, Venmo, Zelle, direct deposit, paper check, or a prepaid Mastercard.

Estimated individual payout amounts

The exact amount each claimant will receive remains uncertain. The size of individual payouts depends on the number of valid claims and various administrative costs. Initially, if every eligible Facebook user had submitted a claim, each person might have received less than $5. However, recent estimates suggest a median payout of around $30 per claimant.

Longtime Facebook users stand to receive more money, as the settlement allocates one “point” for each month a user had an account during the specified period. The distribution of funds will be based on these accumulated points.

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The Facebook settlement payout date remains uncertain due to ongoing legal challenges, leaving millions of claimants in a state of anticipation. The appeals process has caused a revolution in the timeline, pushing potential payouts to late 2025 or beyond.

As the settlement continues to evolve, it has an impact on not just individual users but also on the broader conversation about data privacy and corporate accountability. While the wait may be frustrating, this case serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting personal information in the digital age.


1. What is the amount of the Facebook settlement payout?
The Facebook settlement totals $725 million and will be shared among eligible U.S. Facebook users who maintained active accounts from May 24, 2007, to December 22, 2022.

2. How can I check if I am eligible to receive a payout from the Facebook settlement?
To determine your eligibility for the Facebook settlement payout, visit the official website at www.fbpdsettlement.com. Be wary of other sites claiming to offer similar services as they may not be legitimate.

3. What should I do if I haven’t received my Facebook settlement payout yet?
If you haven’t received your Facebook settlement payout within 7 business days of the expected date, you should first check with your bank to verify the transaction status. Ensure that your payout account details are correct and complete. Also, confirm that you have met the minimum payout threshold required for your product.

4. Are Facebook settlement payments subject to taxation?
Yes, payments from the Facebook settlement are taxable. According to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 61, all income, unless specifically exempted by IRC Section 104, is taxable. This includes income derived from settlements.

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