Finasteride Before and After: Real User Experiences

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Hair loss is a concern that affects millions of men worldwide, prompting many to seek effective solutions. Finasteride, a medication approved for treating male pattern baldness, has gained significant attention due to its reported effectiveness. The finasteride before and after results have become a topic of great interest, with many users sharing their experiences online, including on platforms like Reddit.

This article delves into the real-world experiences of finasteride users, exploring the effects of both oral and topical finasteride. We’ll examine finasteride before and after photos, including results after 3 months and up to 5 years of use. Additionally, we’ll discuss the combined use of finasteride and minoxidil, its impact on hairline restoration, and the experiences of men using finasteride tablets. By the end, readers will have a comprehensive understanding of what to expect when considering finasteride for hair loss treatment.

Understanding Finasteride and Its Effects

What is Finasteride?

Finasteride is a medication used to treat certain types of hair loss, particularly male pattern baldness. It belongs to a class of drugs called 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. This prescription-only oral medication has shown effectiveness in improving hair growth and density in men experiencing hair loss.

How Finasteride Works

Finasteride works by blocking the production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone responsible for male pattern baldness. By reducing DHT levels in the scalp by up to 60%, finasteride helps to slow down, stop, or even reverse hair loss. This process protects hair follicles from shrinking and allows for healthier hair growth.

Expected Timeline for Results

Results from finasteride use typically follow this timeline:

  1. 1-3 months: Initial shedding may occur
  2. 3-6 months: Reduced hair loss becomes noticeable
  3. 6-9 months: New, healthier hair growth begins
  4. 9-12 months: Visible improvements in hair thickness and growth

Consistent use is crucial for maintaining results, as stopping treatment may reverse the effects within 12 months.

Real User Experiences with Finasteride

Short-term Results (3-6 months)

Most users notice initial results from finasteride after three to six months of daily use. During this period, many observe a slowdown or halt in hair loss, with some experiencing improvements in hair quality, particularly around the hairline and crown. However, some users report side effects during this time, including decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and brain fog.

Long-term Results (1 year and beyond)

After 12 months of consistent use, many users see significant improvements in hair count and thickness. Studies show a 14% improvement in hair count after one year and a 16% improvement after two years. Long-term use often results in continued reduction of hair loss and improved hair growth. However, some users report persistent side effects even after discontinuing the medication.

User Testimonials

User experiences vary widely. Some report significant hair regrowth and increased confidence, while others describe severe side effects affecting sexual function, cognitive abilities, and overall well-being. Positive testimonials highlight improved hair thickness and fullness, while negative reviews warn of potential long-lasting adverse effects. It’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before starting finasteride treatment.

Maximizing Finasteride’s Effectiveness

Combining with Minoxidil

Studies show that using finasteride and minoxidil together yields better results than using either alone. This combination therapy suppresses DHT production and stimulates hair growth simultaneously. A 2015 study revealed that 94.1% of participants using both medications showed improvement, compared to 80.5% for finasteride alone and 59% for minoxidil alone.

Proper Usage and Consistency

Taking finasteride daily is crucial for optimal results. Skipping doses can reduce its effectiveness. For topical application, use on a clean, dry scalp and leave on for 6-8 hours, preferably overnight. Consistency in timing and dosage is key to maintaining hair growth.

Monitoring Progress

To track improvements, take monthly photos of affected areas under consistent lighting conditions. This helps visualize subtle changes over time. Remember, results may take 3-6 months to become noticeable, and continued use is necessary to maintain benefits.


Finasteride has emerged as a widely-used treatment for male pattern baldness, with a significant impact on hair growth and retention. User experiences highlight its effectiveness in slowing down hair loss and promoting new growth, particularly when used consistently over an extended period. However, it’s crucial to consider the potential side effects and individual responses to the medication. The combination of finasteride with minoxidil has shown promising results, offering a comprehensive approach to hair loss treatment.

For those considering finasteride, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to weigh the benefits against potential risks. Regular monitoring and patience are key, as noticeable improvements may take several months to appear. While finasteride has helped many men regain confidence and fuller hair, it’s important to remember that results can vary. Ultimately, the decision to use finasteride should be based on individual circumstances and a thorough understanding of its effects and potential outcomes.

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1. How long should I expect to use finasteride before noticing improvements in my hair?
After consistently using finasteride for 12 months, you should observe noticeable improvements in your hair, building upon the progress seen from the third to the sixth month. Most research indicates significant increases in hair count and thickness, as well as a reduction in hair loss after a year of treatment.

2. What can I expect after using finasteride for two years?
After two years of using finasteride, the average increase in hair density is around 1,014 hairs per square inch, which translates to about 16 percent more hair per inch of skin. Participants in studies generally report that finasteride has helped grow new hair and enhanced the overall appearance of their hair.

3. When might I start to see results from finasteride?
According to the hair growth cycle, it typically takes about 4 to 6 months to see visibly thicker hair. While few studies measure hair growth as early as three months post-treatment, not all users of finasteride will notice significant hair growth at this early stage.

4. What is the effectiveness rate of finasteride in treating hair loss?
Finasteride is clinically effective in 90% of men with male pattern baldness. Approximately two-thirds of men who regularly take finasteride experience hair regrowth, according to expert observations.

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